Unmasking The Night
If you have found this page, you are likely seeking answers to a recent disturbing event or inexplicable encounter. There are things in this world we actively deny exist in attempt to allay our own fear of the unknown. I am one of those things you fear. I am breaking laws that have stood for thousands of years. I will be hunted down and likely killed for making the contents of this website public, but I do it because the society of these monsters wronged me first. This website will outlive me.
Table of Contents:
- The Beginning: A description of where it all started. This is merely a retelling to the best of my knowledge. There may be gaps or misunderstandings. It is my best effort to spread the truth.
- Occult Practices: Brokering a deal with the forces beyond traditional understanding and comprehension. Transcending the limitations of humanity and the mortal coil.
- Demons: Various arbiters of sin that you may interact with in any number of ways. This is not an instruction on how to summon these entities.
- Vampires: Separating the truth from the fiction surrounding the legends spanning numerous mortal generations that have come to be known as vampires.